
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Monday, August 1, 2011

1 August 2011

Psalm 80; 2 Samuel 7:1-17; Acts 18:1-11; Mark 8:11-21

Nathan’s first reaction to David’s suggestion to build a house for the Lord is, “Go for it!” It seems logical enough that the Lord would surely bless such an endeavor that Nathan doesn’t bother to pray about the matter at all. It is only later that the Lord speaks to Nathan in the night to correct both the prophet and the king. The idea that seemed so logical isn’t actually of God at all. It would not be David, the man of war, who would build God’s house, but David’s son, Solomon, who was yet to be born, who would do this thing. The idea does, however, bring about a covenant between David and the Lord. The Lord promises that David’s line will continue to provide the kings forever. God’s covenants with men are always forever. This covenant is based on God’s foreknowledge of His own Son, Jesus, who will come from the Davidic line as far as earthly lineage is concerned, and His kingdom is indeed forever and He taught us to pray for the coming of that kingdom.

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs. No one, it seems, can interpret the signs correctly. The Pharisees come, after Jesus has fed the multitude, and ask for a sign. How did they miss this feeding sign? God fed the people of Israel in the wilderness with manna and here Jesus feeds the people miraculously with bread and fish and they can’t make the connection. In the boat Jesus speaks of leaven and the disciples take this literally and are concerned that they have no bread among them, how did they, of all people, miss this sign? If Jesus could feed the multitude, surely they could have no doubt about His ability to feed a dozen people. “Do you not yet understand?” I wonder how many times Jesus has thought the same about me. My prayer today is that my eyes, mind and heart be opened to see and properly interpret the many signs He will give me this day.

Paul finds Priscilla and Aquila, people of peace, in Corinth and stays with them while he works and teaches. Paul was able to use his skills to provide for himself and these two friends provided a place for him to live in this town. As per usual, Paul has opposition from some among the Jews and determines that he will no longer bother preaching to them, but will turn his attention to the Gentiles, among whom God continually gave him some measure of favor. As it happens, he is offered a place to live next to the synagogue by some Gentiles who had become God-worshippers or God-fearers and this allowed him also to reach the synagogue ruler there. Paul moves with the Spirit, where he sees God going and giving favor he pursues. He is attentive to the signs of God’s kingdom and goes wherever they lead him.

I love Thy church, O God.
Her walls before Thee stand,
Dear as the apple of Thine eye,
And written on Thy hand.


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