
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Faith and fear

I had a friend whose biggest concern about heaven was that when she got there God would play a movie of all the horrible stuff she had done in her life and she would know the shame of it all. I told her two things, one was that if she had confessed and repented those things were forgiven and forgotten and the second thing was that God wouldn't be watching filth like that.

My greater fear was in the Gospel lesson for today, Mark 6.47-56, the disciples in the boat on the lake. Jesus comes walking to them on the water in the midst of a storm that has them scared out of their wits and now they don't know whether to be scared of the storm or what they take to be an apparition. In the end Jesus calms both the storm and the disciples. What we are also told is that they didn't understand because their hearts were hardened.

I am prepared to be embarrassed by looking back on those times in my life when I felt completely overwhelmed by life's difficulties and like Elijah decided I had had enough and was prepared to quit and it was fine with me if my life ended then. God sometimes allows us to be in the storm in order that He can come and prove Himself, hopefully strengthening our faith and trust so that the next time we will not react with the same fear. Somedays I wonder if I will ever get it right. As John Prine once wrote, "its a half an inch of water and you think you're gonna drown."

Monday, July 27, 2009

Spiritual pandas

Because I have been teaching through John 6 the past few weeks I have been thinking a lot about Jesus' statements that He is bread and water for life. As Christians we know the truth of those statements yet frequently we continue to live as though we were searching for sustenance elsewhere. Too often we are nothing more than spiritual pandas.

A panda is actually a carnivore and its digestive system is designed to eat a widely varied diet yet it more or less subsists on bamboo shoots, which have all the nutritional content of cardboard. The failure of bamboo to adequately provide for the nutritional needs of the panda requires it to consume great quantities of bamboo in order to provide what it needs for fuel. That need requires the panda to spend nearly all its waking hours finding and consuming bamboo which causes the animals to be ever more lethargic, conserving what little energy they derive from their food in order to find more of it.

A panda was made for more yet it has settled for less. Too often we live as Christians as spiritual pandas who relentlessly consume either spiritual junk food or no spiritual food at all in a fruitless search to fill our time and our souls with something. We are meant to feast on the richest fare and yet we fail to live into the new creation we are in Christ Jesus simply because we fail to take advantage of our new nature.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hungry and thirsty?

Do we as Christians hunger and thirst after righteousness or do we satisfy our hunger and thirst in pretty much the same way the rest of the world does? More often than not it seems, we satisfy our hunger and thirst with that which is not bread and water. Oddly, that is the road to gluttony because those other things fail to satisfy the hunger and thirst and we simply need more and more.

I know that I am guilty of this very thing and I sense in myself the need to get away and spend time alone in what the Gospels refer to as a desolate place with the Lord. I can attempt to satisfy the thirst with people or books or other activities or things and what I really need is time alone in the Word and with the Word.

Summer is particularly difficult because we have so many other things going in our life and it seems that I lurch from one thing to another and all of them are good things (well, most of them), but they leave me with less and less time to spend just feasting on the Lord. When I examine the way I spend my time I realize that I am spending time and money on what the Lord says through Isaiah " that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I thirst

I have been teaching through the book of John and last week was teaching particularly on chapter 6. It is an incredibly confrontational scene where Jesus makes extraordinary claims and eventually many who were following him turned back after hearing him on this occasion.

One of the things He says is that anyone who believes in Him will not thirst. All through the Bible we have images of hungering and thirsting that have to do with seeking God and His kingdom. We see it in the Psalms, in the prophetic writings (see Isaiah 55 for example), and in the teachings of Jesus. He has said something similar to the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 and she has proven the depth of her thirst by staying with Him in his metaphor, even after He has pointed out her relationship problems. The promise here is that the thirst we have for spiritual sustenance will be met in the presence of the Holy Spirit and the promise that Jesus will be with us always even to the end of the age (Matt 28).

At the cross, Jesus says, "I thirst." Does that have a double meaning beyond the obvious one that the soldiers attempt to meet? Does it also tell us something of the separation He experienced?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Long Time

It has been a long time since I have posted. Lots of stuff keeping me busy but I am going to try and keep this updated a few days a week.

I talked to a young woman named Holly yesterday who told me an incredible story and I want to share it with you. You will hear it again but I felt it was important to share with you now.

Ten years ago Holly was married and living in Atlanta. She and her husband had a trained German shepherd police dog and one day she was walking the dog along the Chattahoochee River when the dog saw something off the trail towards the river and decided to chase after it. Holly had the leash in her hand and also wrapped around her wrist. The area where they were had a steep embankment leading down to a cliff and a 30 foot drop down to the river. As the dog ran down the embankment she ran along behind it, pulled by the leash. The dog took a sudden turn to the right but her momentum carried her directly down the hill, causing both her and the dog to lose their balance and slide down the hill towards the cliff’s edge. Miraculously, there was a tree between her and the dog and the leash caught on the tree and she and the dog went over the edge of the cliff and were no hanging by the leash off the cliff.

Holly began to scream for help and the dog, hanging by its neck, began scrambling for a foothold. It was able to get its front paws on the ground atop the cliff when Holly realized that if the dog were able to pull itself onto the ground and safety, Holly’s weight would then pull the dog around the tree and they would both fall the 30 feet to the river. Holly gave the command to the dog to be still and the dog immediately obeyed the command. They hung there together, Holly by her hold on the leash, the dog by its neck, for 30 minutes until someone heard and responded to her cries for help and rescued them. Holly has rotator cuff problems to this day and the dog broke two vertebrae in its neck that were surgically repaired.

The dog was trained to obey the command of the master, the dog’s experience of its master was that the master loved the dog and therefore was to be trusted always. On this day, the dog trusted the command of its master in a life and death situation and obeyed at the cost of even trying to save its own life. Do we know and love the Lord who died for us in obedience to the Father's command enough to trust Him this completely? It makes me think back to Genesis and how everything was perfect until one of the created things decided to not act in obedience to the Lord's command. Until that moment in Genesis 3 the Lord spoke and it was so. Sometimes I think that giving us reasoning ability wasn't that great an idea.