
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Monday, April 12, 2010

12 April 2010
Psalm 1, 2, 3; Exod. 14:21-31; 1 Pet. 1:1-12; John 14:(1-7)8-17

God saves His people and so closes a chapter of their history that has lasted over 400 years. The people now know that their God is not a regional god with power in a particular area like the gods of the nations surrounding them. He has divided the waters over the face of the earth in order to form the dry land, is it too difficult for Him to part the waters of one small sea? The ruination of the armies of Egypt is accomplished without the Israelites defending themselves at all. In the end, they feared God and believed in Him and also in Moses who was the agent through whom the miracle was accomplished. Alas, none of that will last.

Can you imagine how crushing it would have been to have Philip ask to see the Father? Jesus’ response betrays His exasperation with them and their failure to understand. We have to remember, however, that the Holy Spirit had not been given to them at that time and they could hardly have imagined what all these things truly meant, they were too good to be true. In this time, however, Jesus simply asks them to believe and in believing they will see. He does, however, promise the Advocate who will be with us forever. This would certainly have been a great comfort to them as they anticipate His going away.

As yesterday John assured his readers that the blood of Jesus cleanses from sin, now Peter assures his readers that the resurrection of Jesus is their hope of resurrection to eternal life where an inheritance awaits. What joy it must have been to Peter and the others to see those who could not see what they had seen, Jesus in the flesh, with a faith and love for Him equal to their own. Truth remained even after Jesus had gone, thanks be to God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! We have seen with eyes of faith that which angels have longed to look upon from the beginning. When was the last time you rejoiced over Jesus with indescribable and glorious joy?

Salvation belongs to the LORD;
your blessing be on your people!

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