
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Friday, June 13, 2014

13 June 2014

What a bright lesson to start the day! Not!  Enjoy your youth while you've got it to enjoy because soon enough it will all catch up with you, your eyesight will fail, getting around will be the highlight of the day, your senses of taste and smell will diminish and life will generally be a misery until you die.  Why does Solomon write such things?  Is Ecclesiastes the ultimate buzzkill book right in the middle of the Bible?  Solomon had it all, in spades, and what he seems to have discovered is that none of it satisfied either by itself of taken together.  Having it all still left him with a vast empty hole in his life, the hole he was trying to fill with all the possessions, women, power and pleasure he could shovel into it.  He started well, only desiring wisdom and receiving everything else into the bargain.  So much of our modern church encourages us to seek to have more in this life and I wonder if this book is ever in their sights.  Solomon's summary judgment of life is right, "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.In keeping that idea ever in mind, you will find contentment and joy no matter what life throws at you.

Peter went from commendation to condemnation in only a few minutes.  Jesus gladly accepted his confession of Him as Messiah and praised him more highly than He praised anyone else, ever.  Now, however, Jesus is prepared to reveal further truth to the disciples but they aren't ready to receive it and in fact, Peter outright rejects it.  Where the Spirit revealed the truth about Jesus as Messiah to him, now satan is operating in him to keep him from knowing and accepting the truth about what is to come.  Peter wants Jesus to come into not the kingdom the Father was offering, the eternal kingdom, but an earthly kingdom, the same kind of kingdom satan had offered in the wilderness after Jesus' baptism.  It seems simple for us now to understand Jesus' words regarding taking up our cross and following Him but this was before the cross was a symbol of victory.  His words would have been nearly incomprehensible to them at the time, shocking words.  No one could imagine Him or themselves taking up a cross, the most hideous idea imaginable.

Life matters.  We are to live by the Spirit and not by the flesh.  The fruits of the Spirit that Paul enumerated for us are to flow out in life.  The Christian life is not merely an inner experience to be cherished. It is to be lived and embodied. Others should know your inner life by observing you.  We are not meant to be hermits but to be like Jesus, publicly living out the life of the Spirit.  When we do, people are drawn to us and we will extend ourselves on their behalf when they are burdened.  We do not look down on others in judgment, we first judge ourselves and find that we are two things at once, deeply loved and deeply and fundamentally unworthy of that love.  Living as the beloved who receives that love as a gift rather than a right allows us to live with joy and not fear. Knowing that His love is not based on performance frees us to love as well.  Knowing that He is sovereign frees us to give generously.  The cross is the way of self-sacrifice and the lack of self-regard.

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