
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

23 May 2012

There was a glorious day coming when Jerusalem would be the splendor of all the earth and God’s people would be holy.  We know that this day is an eternal day and that it awaits the end of days but we know that it is nonetheless true.  We will see Jerusalem as no one has ever seen her before and we see that Jerusalem in Revelation 21 after the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning has passed over the earth and it is renewed.  We also know there is no darkness in that Jerusalem as the Lord is the light of the city, His presence dwelling within her walls constantly and in Him there is no darkness at all.

Matthew tells of two demon-possessed men while the other accounts mention only one.  They are described as being so fierce that no one could pass that way yet in the end when the men are restored to themselves, delivered from the demonic forces, the people who couldn’t pass that way beg the one who delivered them to leave.  They knew first hand that the power within Jesus was more fearsome than anything they had ever experienced.  If He could command those demons He was someone to be feared.  They knew something of what the disciples had seen on the lake when Jesus commanded wind and sea.  His power knew no limits at all.  We can easily lose sight of the power within Jesus when we see Him submit to earthly powers in the crucifixion but perhaps that is the greatest display of His power in some ways. We know that this need not be but He willingly allows it in order to give us greater hope in the resurrection.  This day, however, that power is clearly displayed and the reaction is fear.

What does it mean to grow up in the faith?  We have to come to an understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ to answer that question.  The purpose of being a disciple was to learn from the teacher and ultimately to become like him in order to carry on his ministry when he is gone.  The teacher’s job was to transfer not only information but his way of thinking about life through the Word of God.  Disciples expected to be able to do all that the teacher did, they were to emulate him in all things.  To grow up in faith was not simply to know but to do the works that the master does.  The role of the fivefold leadership in the church is to equip the saints for the work of ministry, not simply to give them information and so we need all the fivefold gifts in order to do that job.  We need those who can teach and those who can do mission as well, no one person, other than Jesus, is all those things.  His power has been given and diffused into the church by the power of the Holy Spirit to all of us.  To be the body of Christ requires us to know our gifts and our part in the body and then step into it and use those gifts that the body is whole and healthy.

O quickly come, sure Light of all
for gloomy night broods o'er our way;
and weakly souls begin to fall
with weary watching for the day.
O quickly come, for round thy throne
no eye is blind, no night is known.

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