
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

11 December 2013

When I was a kid there were no stores open in my hometown in the south on Sundays.  There were very few things you could do or purchase and I recall one family in my neighborhood who were not allowed to go to movies or do much of anything on Sunday.  For a kid it was an awful thing to imagine being cooped up in the house sitting doing nothing but going to church in the morning and in the evening.  Today, nearly everything except Chick-fil- A is open on Sunday.  As a culture we have changed dramatically in my lifetime with respect to Sabbath issues.  America is not an analog for Israel but is the church?  In this prophecy Amos blasts the nation for its Sabbath observance.  They keep the commandment with their actions but the Lord knows that their hearts aren't in it, it is nothing more than an inconvenience and interruption of business.  It is for this that they are condemned here.  What is our attitude towards Sabbath and what should it be?
Jesus pronounces woes on scribes, Pharisees, rabbis, all the leaders of the people as they have exalted themselves to a place where they are between the people and God.  They have become the arbiters of truth, the only ones who truly understand and can interpret the Word.  There is a place in the church for teachers and leaders but not the kind who discourage others from their own study of the Word.  A few years ago I was going to preach and the Gospel lesson was from one of these "woes" pronounced by Jesus against the leaders.  I looked at a commentary and it said that Jesus never said these things, it was simply Matthew getting out his hatred of the leaders who had ostracized him from the community since he was a tax collector.  The passage began with the words, "Jesus said", so what this commentator was saying to us was that Jesus didn't say these things, in order to know that the text was lying you needed some special scholarly knowledge.  Without any apparent sense of irony he had placed himself directly in the sights of the passage as one who had exalted himself for without him to guide us we would have thought Jesus said these things.  The Word of God is plain in its meaning if we pray about the meaning and allow Him to enlighten and enliven our minds.  We must come with faith to the Word, however, not the eye of unbelief and doubt.

John saw this vision and knew it was real and frightening.  He knew that this one, this son of man, was more than a man like himself and fell to his knees in fear.  That is and should be our attitude towards the things of God, just like Isaiah learned in the temple that day when God showed up and the angels proclaimed His holiness.  The Word of God is that which first speaks of our ruin for sin in order to reveal His grace in forgiving that sin.  In the letter to Ephesus the word begins very encouragingly, they are dedicated to truth, right interpretation of the Word matters to this community.  The problem is that their primary interest is in being right and they have lost the love that characterized them at the beginning.  It is easy to become cold and without love with respect to the Word when it becomes the Law for us.  We must always allow the Word to be living and active and not something we have mastered if we are to keep that sense of humility and to keep the Word in the way that Jesus did.

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