
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

22 December 2013

Adam says he was afraid because he heard God walking in the garden and he was naked so he hid himself.  Was he really afraid because he was naked?  He had always been naked so why was that now a source of fear?  It was the first thing that he and Eve noticed when they ate the fruit, they were naked and unashamed before that and then, suddenly, they were naked and ashamed.  Now, naked is a problem with God who had created them naked.  Fear of the Lord is because we are compromised by sin.  Adam knew he had sinned and now the situation and relationship with God is utterly changed.  He hadn't died when he ate but now, perhaps, was the day of judgment and death so he hid.  Hiding didn't work though and he didn't die though he did lose the privilege of living in God's garden and access to the tree of life.  There is, however, a new tree of life, the cross, where sin is dealt with forever and life imparted through the death of Jesus for those sins.  We need no longer fear the Lord among us, perfect love has dealt with fear.

If we have not faith in the Son, we will surely die, just as Adam was told in the garden.  Jesus says that He came that we might not surely die but have eternal life.  His resurrection proves that death isn't necessarily final, God knows something about what we call death that we don't see with our eyes.  Believing in Jesus, that He is the Son of God who died on the cross as a sacrifice once and for all for sin as the only way to reconcile us to the Father, gives us life.  It seems too simple for us, we'd like to have to do something to earn it but it is a gift from a loving Father and Son who loved the world enough to do this on our behalf.  He uses a figure of speech that hearkens back to Adam's hiding, not coming into the light and preferring the darkness.  To sinners Jesus says, come out, come out wherever you are, the time for judgment is not here, the time for forgiveness and restoration is now.  He hasn't rejected us, we have rejected Him.

Satan opposes God's plan from the start.  He had no access to Mary's womb to destroy the child so he sought to do so at birth when Herod put out an edict that all Jewish children were to be killed, but Joseph was warned in a dream  and they fled beyond Herod's reach to Egypt.  Satan apparently had no knowledge that this, too, was God's plan.  In the death and resurrection of Jesus the war was also in heaven with Michael and the angels fighting the dragon and his minions and the dragon was thrown out of heaven onto earth.  No longer does our accuser have access to the throne to accuse us.  He does, however, continue his war against us here on earth.  Unlike Adam who hid from God we plead for His presence not only among us but within us by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Before Him we are to be naked and unashamed because we are covered in the blood of Jesus.  We know that the victory is complete but the battle rages.  The ancient enmity continues.

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