
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Monday, October 19, 2015

19 October 2015

The Lord speaks through Jeremiah to those who have chosen to go to Egypt rather than to Babylon in exile.  The Lord essentially prepared a place for the exiles in Babylon and these people chose their own path.  Jeremiah’s word to them is that they have chosen the path of death and destruction rather than life.  In Egypt they are continuing to practice idolatry, worshiping other gods and there they will die, some by the sword and others by famine.  They cannot escape His judgment simply because they have gone to Egypt.  They are in covenant with Him and they continue to sin against Him in their idolatry. If they had gone to Babylon there would be hope for them but not when they stiffen their necks and go their own way.  The announcement is that none of them will return with the exception of some “fugitives.” 

The parable Jesus uses here regarding the children playing tunes is to say that the people are non-responsive to anything.  They don’t dance when the flute is played and they don’t mourn when a dirge is sung.  They are spiritually dead.  John came preaching repentance and fasting and they didn’t respond and Jesus comes in fulfillment of Messianic prophecy and they don’t respond to him either.  Judgment is announced for those cities which fail to respond.  Jesus compares them to cities of the Gentiles which, He says, would have repented if He had done there what He has done among the Jews.  Can you imagine how we would react if He said the same things to the church today?  Is the church spiritually alive or simply entertained?

Paul, too, speaks to those who are spiritually dead, “Wake up from your drunken stupor…”  Some in Corinth apparently have denied the resurrection from the dead because they do not believe the body itself matters, only the soul.  This form of dualism is no stranger to the church today.  There are those who have no theology of the body at all, no idea that the incarnation validated this life in this body. Yes, this one is a body of death but in it Jesus glorified the Father and we, as those created in His image, are to do likewise.  Paul says that this body is the kernel of the glorified body, and indeed it must die in order for that one to come into being but this life and this body is a gift from God which we are to use for His glory.  In this life we are to turn to Him and use our lives to proclaim the kingdom wherever we are, embodiment is important.

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