
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

14 June 2012

The ways of God, and therefore, the ways of earth, are inscrutable.  We are to use common sense in this life but things that make perfect sense don’t always turn out the way they should.  Since sin entered the world it is less orderly, less predictable, we need the wisdom of God, His counsel, now more than in the beginning for this very reason.  We cannot make truly right judgment based on our own wisdom and knowledge alone, there are variables, unpredictability, that we can never anticipate.  Solomon knows these things and is coming to the conclusion that if we are to make right judgments we need heavenly guidance and wisdom.  We cannot even truly judge whether a thing is good or bad for we only see in part concerning the thing whereas God alone sees the future and knows truly whether the thing is ultimately good or not.  We are to do our best here and in all things know that God will determine the outcome of all things.  Luther wrote, concerning ethics, “Sin boldly but love God more.”  His argument understood that sin was inevitable because of the reality of the fall, we are incapable of completely altruistic motives, so we should choose the right or best action and move forward boldly in and for the love of God.  Solomon would agree here that we are to use the best information available to us, act on it, and leave the rest to the Lord. 

Why did Jesus ask the disciples who He was and then charge them not to tell anyone?  The one thing they would all have wanted to tell everyone is that they had been right to hitch their wagons to Him, He was indeed the Messiah and He said so Himself.  As always in the Gospels, the time had not yet come for such proclamation, His work was not complete and the world had to first conclude that He was not the Messiah but instead a pretender.  Abraham and his family had to wait 400+ years to inherit the Promised Land because the Canaanites sin was not yet complete and had not filled the land with abomination, the time had not yet come.  Until the sin of rejection of Messiah had come He had not finished the work, there was still the opportunity to accept Him on His merits.  Common sense and man’s judgment had to come based on evidence not testimony and in the end it would find against God.  Right judgment failed. 

Walk by the Spirit.  That is the one thing needful in this life if we are to serve Him and glorify Him.  If we walk by the flesh we will consistently fail to make right judgments and take right action.  We have that spirit available to us that Solomon had when he walked in true wisdom but he chose to follow the flesh and strayed from wisdom.  Those characteristics Paul speaks of in verses 19-21 as works of the flesh describe the world around us.  We are to be different from the world and yet too often the world sees exactly those same things in the church.  How are you doing on crucifying the passions and desires of the flesh?  I have a long way to go.

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