
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

19 July 2012

Have you ever seen even a stream-bed after it has recently dried out?  If so, you know you wouldn't walk out in the midst of it, the problem would be mud, deep, thick mud.  We are told, however, that when the Jordan stopped flowing through Jericho the ground was stable enough that the nation of Israel could walk across it and the priests' feet were firmly fixed on the ground not in the mud.  The people are instructed to take a stone from the river bed for each of the twelve tribes of Israel and set them up on the Jericho side of the river as a memorial to this day.  As with Moses, the people are enjoined that these will be a sign to them and to generations to come and when the children ask why they are there the answer is that this is where God rolled back the waters.  Everything teaches.

Jesus is perfectly aware of where things stand, and when it will happen.  He is more aware than even those who plot against Him.  Their counsel is to wait until after Passover lest the people become further aroused against them.  Jesus, however, knows that this will not be, they will move sooner even than they expect.  It is presumed that the woman who anoints Jesus is a prostitute who carried this flask around her neck to give off an aroma attractive to men, hunters today often do similar things to attract males of the species they are hunting.  Her gift would be repentance and confession of Him all at once, she would now lose her allure to men as she comes to faith in Jesus by pouring the oil over Him.  Judas has had enough of the talk of crucifixion and of the people who are being attracted to Jesus and determines to take matters into his own hands.  Jesus is in control of the situation even though several others here believe they have control.

We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we no longer be conformed to the world.  The world has taught us how to think and understand our lives and the world around us in ways that are not God-like.  Our values and priorities are completely out of whack.  We believe in materialism in all forms, materialism that says that this is all there is, there is nothing "out there" beyond the natural, and consumerist materialism that tells us what, within that realm has value at any given time.  If a thing is valued it must be acquired at the expense of all else.  Paul knows that the reality is something different, there is not only something out there, there is a someone out there and He and His unseen yet eternal kingdom are the things of truly value because they are imperishable.  He also knows that this someone is sovereign over all things and that He has revealed Himself to mankind and promised eternality to those who believe.  Faith is the first step, the cross and the empty tomb are our standing stones and we have an obligation to instruct our children just as the Israelites did.  In that knowledge we will no longer think too highly of ourselves, we will have a right judgment on ourselves, our place in the world, and others around us.

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