
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Monday, December 10, 2012

10 December 2012

The Lord's complaint against His people has a particular content, He condemns greed, drunkenness other specific sins.  First, He speaks against the greed of the wealthy, those who join house to house and field to field.  The Land, recall, was given by the Lord and everyone had their own land.  It was possible to lose your land due to debts but every fifty years it was returned to the original owners since it all belonged to the Lord anyway.  There is no evidence that this was practiced according to the Lord's command, so the wealthy expanded their holdings and the poor were simply their servants or moved away from their ancestral land.  The Lord has serious complaints then against drunkenness of the people, mentioning it in several ways, including the sarcastic comment that there are those who are heroes at drinking wine and valiant men at mixing strong drink.  The people have clearly rejected God's law and called evil, good, and darkness, light.  We are responsible for the revelation we have received.

There will soon come a day when the Gentiles will trample Jerusalem and they will hold it until the time of the Gentiles is complete.  That day came only about forty years later, when the temple was destroyed and it continues to this day in that the temple mount, God's dwelling place, has been occupied by the Muslims since the 7th century and the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic temple, has been there since the late 7th century.  The time of the Gentiles has extended then 1300 years into our day.  Do our hearts ache for the coming of the kingdom of God in the same way the Jews long for the day of restoration?  Do we hurt for the state of the world as they do for Jerusalem?  There will come a day of restoration of Jerusalem but it will be the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven, not simply the Jews restored to the old one. 

We are not in darkness, we have received the revelation of Jesus, the revelation that will mean our salvation and our eternal destiny.  We are, then, to live as children of the light, children of the revelation but also children who reveal the Father's love and His coming judgment to the world.  We are those who are to point to an alternate world, another kingdom, the Lord's kingdom.  In this interim between the comings of Jesus we are to be harbingers of the second coming, those who are awaiting that coming that we might now begin to live in the kingdom through the power of the Spirit in us.  We are to participate in kingdom living now while we long for its fullness. 

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