
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

29 December 2012

What is the result of God's saving work on behalf of His people?  Worship.  When we pray the Lord's prayer we begin with, "Our Father, who is in heaven."  Those words should call us also to remember and praise Him for the reality that though He is in heaven, He is not aloof and distant, He also took on flesh and dwelt among us for the purpose of saving us from death, that we might have eternity in His presence.  There is a fourfold response to the goodness of God, "Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples,
proclaim that his name is exalted."  We are to give thanks for what He has done, call upon Him in trouble, pray to Him, make known not only that He is but what He has done, His deeds, and worship, proclaim that His Name is exalted.  The simplest, most concise description of the Christian life you will see.

Believing in Jesus frees up the reservoir of living water from our hearts.  The water flows upward and outward.  It flows up to God in praise and worship and out to the world in proclamation of Him.  When we live without faith and without eternal hope, we keep all that within ourselves, we live either self-centered lives of materialism or outwardly directed lives of altruism that ultimately despises those who do not share our commitment.   If our first movement is not vertical then we love one another wrongly and badly.  Our reaching outward to others is in love that gives eternal hope, not simply charity to make it through this life.  We do all for the love of God.  Why not make that a New Year's resolution, to love God so much that you offer your life to simply praise and proclaim Him?

John says three things about Jesus.  He is the faithful witness, He is the firstborn from the dead and He is the ruler of all kings of earth.  The work He has done is to free us from sins by His blood.  The result of that work is to make us a kingdom of priests to His God.  He is coming again and all tribes of earth will wail in that day on account of Him.  We are to be a tribe of our own, a kingdom whose king is Jesus, and we are priests to the Lord God who was and is and is to come.  Let us take seriously our role as priests, proclaiming Him, worshipping Him and serving Him alone in 2013.  Let the world see us as different, let us commit ourselves to that call on each of us to be His priests this year.

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