
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

19 December 2012

Destruction has come against the northern kingdom of Israel and yet they have missed the message.  They have thought this was a human enemy and have vowed to rebuild with even better materials.  The reality is that it is the Lord's doing that has brought them low and they will be lower still.  The prophet says that everyone is godless and an evildoer and every mouth speaks folly.  The leaders of the people, both the elders and the prophets are to blame for leading the people astray but the people are not innocent, they know no better but they should.  They have what they need to know the Lord for themselves but they have ignored the study of the Word, they have left that to the professionals and they have arrogantly ignored it themselves. 

John's message was to prepare for the coming of the Lord.  His strategy was baptism for the forgiveness of sins.  His warning was the Lord was coming to judge His people, and the only way to prepare was to deal with sin, repentance, not just confession, but turning away from sin.  John promised that the one coming was mightier, one whom he was unworthy to serve in the most menial capacity.  The baptism to come was the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  What would that mean to John's audience?  Would they have understood that this was the fulfillment of the promise of Ezekiel and Jeremiah, that they would get new hearts, that the law would be written on their hearts and they would know Him for themselves, no longer dependent on others to teach them? 

Peter seems to believe that lust and sensuality are problems.  In some parts of the church today such things are no longer seen as a problem but rather something to be celebrated.  Peter says these things have always aroused God's anger and judgment and we are to live on a higher level, above our desires.  He notes several times when God judged such things, the first being the angels, an obscure reference for sure.  Peter says that false teachers will come and lead the people astray, just as Isaiah prophesied in his own day.  The solution is to know and believe and keep the Word of God, simple as that, not re-interpret it or wish it away.  We have been given the Spirit of God, let us ask Him to make all things clear to us.

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