
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

9 December 2012

The Lord's complaint against the nation is that He did everything necessary for the nation to produce good fruit and nothing but wild fruit came.  When cultivating a vineyard the owner chooses what sort of grapes to produce, very specifically chooses the stock in order to produce exactly the kind of fruit desired, and that variety determines what sort of wine will be the end product.  If wild grapes take over the vineyard all the work has gone for nothing if the owner wants a particular vintage rather than just any old wine.  The Lord provided a perfect environment for the production of a particular people but they have instead rejected the law and become like the people around them.  The only solution is to blow it all up and start over.  Is the church producing the fruit the Lord desires?  He has given us the Spirit, the Word, and in the US, the freedom to proclaim Him and worship Him.  How are we doing?

Who gets to set the rules?  Jesus compares the generation among whom He lived to be those who sit on the sidelines and tell others how to play and when the players refuse, they are roundly criticized and rejected.  John's asceticism attracted one kind of complaint and Jesus' lifestyle another form of criticism.  They, and we, want God to play by our rules.  One side of the church rejects any talk of sin because they have a fear of legalism and the other side hates anyone with freedom they don't grant in their world.  There is no generation immune from this teaching.  We have a need to pray and ask the Lord to show us truth and to cooperate with what He is doing.  John's job was to prepare people for the coming of Jesus.  We do the same with a fast prior to Christmas and Easter, we understand that to everything there is a season.

What a powerful beginning to a lesson, "Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness…"  When was the last time we asked ourselves that question in that way?  It answers the important question, what season is this?  It is the season of preparation, the passing away of the things of this creation and the waiting for the coming of God's kingdom.  It is the season of letting go of these things, the season of waiting for the things to come.  Waiting is not a passive activity, however, we are to be cultivating our lives and cultivating the world, it is a time like John the Baptist understood, a time to prepare, proclaim and prophesy.

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