
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

3 April 2013

Micah's ministry was under the rules of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah.  The nation was whole and in the Land at the time but Micah saw that there was no justice, no honesty and much idolatry.  He saw that there would be a day when they were taken away, their land their own no more.  He also saw that there would be restoration and this would be the work of Yahweh.  He would show them marvelous things as the days when they came out of Egypt.  Micah believes, like Job, that the redeemer lives and that the covenant they have with Him is everlasting, his hope is in the Lord alone and so He knows how this will eventually turn out, the Lord will vindicate not the people who have sinned, but His Name.  As the song says, and all will see how great is our God.

The apostles walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and a man is healed.  Peter has always believed that if Jesus did something he should be able to do the same, like walking on water.  Here, he and John see a man begging and surely remember similar times in Jesus' ministry and Peter speaks powerfully into the man's life and this man, who had been carried daily to this place is now able not to walk unsteadily, but to leap!  He isn't just restored to the use of his legs, he is made whole.  His reaction is to praise God.  Do we believe God can heal and do such things today? 

The key to walking in the Spirit is abiding in Jesus.  If we do we will bear much fruit and we can do many things.  Apart from him we are like branches of the vine lying on the ground, we can do nothing at all.  Abiding means constant prayer, it means being immersed in the word, not simply reading it but meditating on it, talking about it.  It looks like Deuteronomy 6.4-9.  Abiding in Jesus means He is your constant companion, you make no decision at all without asking Him.  I recognize that I am a long way from that ideal, but the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step, it begins with today.  It begins with believing all things are possible for one who believes. 

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