
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26 2013

The desire for wisdom leads to a kingdom.  Sounds a bit like 1 Kings 3 when the Lord gave Solomon a chance to ask for anything in the world and his request was for wisdom, "an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?”  Do you see those words, that little phrase, "discern between good and evil," right in the middle?  Wisdom is the ability to discern between good and evil in all things and also to choose the good and eschew the evil.  The writer says that all those who seek wisdom will find it, she will not hide from the earnest and honest seeker, but will make herself available to them, she will be found sitting at the gate.  What a wonderful image that is!  What a wonderful way to start the day.

The elders of the Jews say to Jesus that this centurion is worthy for Jesus to heal his child and yet the centurion says he is not worthy for Jesus even to come under his roof.  He had sent the elders to ask Jesus to come and heal the child not because he wanted them to sing his praises to Jesus but because he wasn't worthy to come to Jesus, he wouldn't presume to ask, he counted the elders worthy to approach Jesus, thinking perhaps Jesus would act at their behest.  His humility is admirable, but he didn't know Jesus' relationship with the elders of the Jews very well did he?  No one even approached Jesus to ask Him to do something about the widow's son, He took the initiative and raised him from the dead.   Sounds a bit like Elijah (1 Kings 17) and Elisha (2 Kings 4), so they come to the only reasonable conclusion, a great prophet has arisen among us. 

Wisdom begins with setting our minds on things above, where wisdom resides, in eternal things rather than earthly things.  Knowing where to seek wisdom is the first step in finding it.  Eve sought wisdom in earthly things, Solomon sought it from the Lord.  What a strange thing for Paul to say that you have died.  Do we recognize that as the transaction?  We died to self when we came alive in Jesus but often we think only of adding something to what we already had.  We are new creations  in Christ.  We have the Spirit of God, access to the fount of wisdom, within us.  If we don't live by the Spirit of God and seek wisdom from Him, we will continue to make the same old mistakes.  Wisdom begins with acknowledging that we are not worthy but He has made us worthy.

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