
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23 2013

In a world of resurrection things aren't always as they seem.  Here, the writer says that though the righteous seem to die, their physical death is not the end of the story.  The writer sees that there will be a resurrection for the righteous if not for the unrighteous.  He speaks of those who have been righteous in this life being disciplined "a little" and then being raised to life.  In the day of their visitation they will rule over nations and people and the Lord will reign over them forever.  This is all because grace and mercy are on them.  We are the righteousness of God.  If we are the elect, if we are His righteousness, then we should set our lives not only to be that righteousness in word but also in deed, in order that He be revealed as righteous in our election.

Notice what even Jesus did before calling His disciples.  He continued in prayer all night.  If Jesus needs such prayerful consideration before taking major actions then what should that tell us about our own need for prayer?  In this shorter version of the Beatitudes we get the woes pronounced on those who enjoy this life in contrast to those whom Jesus says are blessed.  There is an exact mirror image of each beatitude found in the woes and all those relate to those whose portion is this life.  Is that the same message preached in America today?  Have we a problem with understanding blessings?  We are called to have different values and attitudes and yet too often we are affirmed in earthly blessing. 

There is a difference between being created in the image of God and being the image of God.  Jesus is the image of God, incorruptible and eternal.  We are the stuff that God formed in His image.  As such, if we want to know what it means to be image bearers, we have the icon in Jesus, we should be like Him, same attitudes, values, and actions.  In other words, we exist to glorify God, nothing else, certainly not the corruptible and temporality that is our body or this existence.  It is in following Him, believing in Him, that we become like Him and we who are but dust put on immortality and life. 

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