
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Monday, January 14, 2013

14 January 2013

We would surely never make an idol of clay, wood or metal but in the end what is idolmaking except an exercise in reductionism?  Isaiah isn't necessarily accusing them of making an idol for their house and to worship, he is reminding them that sometimes theology gives us a diminished god instead of the real thing.  We can systematize and we can make doctrinal statements about God and forget that there would be nothing if it were not for Him.  Our field of vision can get so narrow, today's problems can so overwhelm us, that we lose sight of how big and powerful God is.  The universe is something like 46 billion light years across and contains billions of stars.  The Nicene Creed begins, "We believe in one God, the Father Almighty,  creator of heaven and earth."  We sometimes need to step back and take in all that entails and allow our concept of Him to be expanded and our concept of the current situation diminished.  In that way, He is back on the throne and we and our problems are in better perspective.

Have you ever heard a voice from heaven?  What a powerful moment when Jesus comes up from the waters of baptism, the dove alights and remains and then the voice, "You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."  What is truly amazing is that at this point Jesus had done nothing remarkable, at least not so we are told.  He had, however, lived without sin, the most remarkable thing anyone has ever done.  He had also then submitted to baptism, an act that was to symbolize repentance for sin, and Jesus was guilty of no sin.  He did this in order to fully identify with sinners.  He had certainly faced temptations as He grew to become a man and yet here after the proclamation was He particularly vulnerable to temptation?  Often, such times are when we are most vulnerable to some form of temptation.  We are tempted to presume on that love or to believe we have done something worthy of love.  We have diminished God by exalting self and then we are tempted.

We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, chosen by God before the foundation of the world was laid.  We, who are as nothing at all in the universe, are so important to the creator of the universe that He thought of us prior to creation of it all.  That isn't just a nice little truth to know, He came into creation, into time and space, and became like us because He loves us so and wants us to live forever in His presence.  In the end, all things will be united in Him.  If God thinks so much of you that He was willing to die for you, what does that mean about your life?  Are you ready to live for Him?

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