
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Friday, January 25, 2013

25 January 2013

The Lord calls His people to Himself.  He has made Himself known and is making Himself known, all that is required is to come to Him.  He calls them out from the nations who are worshippers of idols.  The refrain that runs through the passage is that He is the Lord or God and there is no other.  Either that statement is true or it is false.  If it is true then the response is simple, leave the false gods and come to the one true God.  If it is false then you should reject this god as false.  All that is required is that they/we turn to Him and be saved, He does the saving, He gives life, righteousness and strength.  One day the truth of His claim will be seen and known by all. 

So, whom do the wind and sea obey?  That should tell you everything you need to know.  They at least got one of the questions right that evening.  Their first question, "Teacher, don't you care that we are perishing?" is a far bigger question than they could have imagined that night.  The answer is that Jesus' mission was completely on account of the fact that they were perishing.  There was nothing on earth He cared about as much as that.  Everything He did was to save them from perishing.  When He spoke to the waves He commanded peace, but afterwards, when He turned to the disciples He asked why they were afraid.  I feel certain everyone in the boat was indeed filled with fear.  His solution to the problem of fear was not a command to them to have peace and be still but to have faith.  Faith is the antidote to fear.  Faith that He cares and is capable of dealing with any situation. 

Paul commands bondservants or slaves to obey their masters as they would Christ.  Does that mean that their masters are as Christ to them?  No, it means that they are in fact not bondservants of these masters at all, they are bondservants of Christ, and their service is rendered to Him and not to any man.  All that we do is service to Him.  It comes down to an issue of sovereignty, whatever our situation in life may be, it is because in God's good, perfect and pleasing will that is where He has us, otherwise we would be somewhere else.  We are to serve Him in our situation, whatever that may require unless illegal or immoral.  Obedience is the command Paul gives to all.  How can we see our current situation as service to Him?  

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