
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

5 January 2013

Joshua needed encouragement and assurance as he stepped into the role of primary leader of the people of Israel.  I know he needed those things because they are what the Lord gave him.  He needed to be encouraged to be strong and courageous but he also needed assurance of the presence of the Lord and he needed to be reminded to walk in the ways of the Law given to Moses.  His prosperity and success were completely contingent on following the Lord.  If he went right or left when the Lord didn't, he would not have success.  If he strayed from the commandments he would fail.  We are the same, to be strong and courageous but not in our own strength or our person.  Our strength and courage come from His presence. 

Jesus tells his disciples much the same things that were told to Joshua.  They are to be strong and courageous as they go forward without Him, He will be with them as they go and they will find success if they abide in Him.  He likens the process to a vine and its branches, the branch must remain connected to the vine if it is to produce fruit, if not it is useless and will be thrown into the fire.  He tells them that abiding is an active process, keeping His commandments.  He abides in the Father through obedience and says that we will abide in Him by obedience as well.  His promise is greater than that promised to Joshua, He lives within us, directing our every step if we will but ask Him and react in obedience.  Do we believe Him for His promises or not?

Faith impelled people to take risks, keep hope in loss and pain, and press onward.  Those who came before Jesus did so without seeing the fulfillment of the promises made to them because there was an even greater promise, Jesus.  The writer says that God " God "had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect."  We who live on this side of Easter have something greater than any of the patriarchs, better than anything they could have imagined, the certainty of eternal life because of the resurrection of Jesus.  He is the firstborn from the dead and firstborn implies there will be more.  If we have faith and live by faith, we will join Him in glory.  Let us, therefore, be very strong and courageous as we run our race all the way to the finish line.  He has promised success and reward if we do. 

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