
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

26 January 2013

The gods of the nations must be carried about on animals and the burden of the gods, the idols, is too great to be borne by the beasts of burden.  On the other hand, the people of God are not asked to bear the burden of Yahweh, He bears them and He never tires, never wearies, He will carry them their entire lives, from the womb to grey hairs.  Why should a god be a burden to people?  The God of Israel promises salvation.  None of the other gods can possibly be termed gods if they were created by men out of other created things.  We may not make idols and call them gods but it would be a good thing if we took the time to see what it is in our lives that lays burdens on us and demands they be served by us.  The answer is to let those things go, put them back in their rightful place.  Is it your house that requires you to work yourself to death, leaving no room for serving the Lord?  Is it something else that demands most of your time and attention?  Like the Israelites, He is calling you to return to the one who has carried and will carry you and has saved you through eternity.

Jesus appears to have gone across the sea this night for one purpose, to deliver and save this demon-possessed man.  Jews didn't go over to the Decapolis, it was a pagan country.  They also didn't go among the tombs of pagan peoples, but Jesus did.  He went because He had compassion on the man.  He healed him and then He got back in the boat and returned but not before commissioning the man as a missionary to his own people.  He sent him to tell all that Jesus had done.  He delivered the man that had tormented them, they all knew who he was, and they marveled at the power that had set him free, they knew the power required to accomplish this miracle.  If Jesus can set this man free, what can He do to set you free today?

Paul doesn't tell the Ephesians that they are to move out against the schemes of the devil and to fight against "the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."  He tells them they are to stand against these things.  He knows that the devil is coming against us, just as Peter warned, " Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."  He will come looking for us, we don't have to go looking for him.  We need only be prepared and Paul tells us how, put on the armor of God and stand.  Let us commit to the spiritual disciplines of putting on that armor so that we are prepared for the battle that will undoubtedly come.

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