
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

3 January 2013

Did you see those two words repeated through this vision?  "And behold" appears three times in the vision.  It seems like "holy cow" could come after the word "and" each time.  Jacob's dream certainly got his attention.  He was in fear when he awoke and processed the dream.  He knew that the dream was more than a dream, it was reality, this was indeed the Lord's house and so he named it thus, Bethel.  His commitment to the Lord, however, was contingent on the Lord providing for him and returning him in peace and safety to his father's house eventually.  If the Lord did those things then He would be Jacob's God and he will give a tenth to God.  How would he keep that particular part of the vow?  There was no temple, no worship, nothing.  Jacob was always making deals.  He will return to this place and will have another encounter with God here.  He will, at that time, be a self-made man but he will be humbled again in this place.

" For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again."  Jesus is loved by the Father because he loves the sheep enough to lay down his life for them.  Is that the way we love one another?  We might die for one another in love but the call is rarely that.  More often we are called to lay down our preferences for one another, lay down our self-centeredness for one another.  Jesus is the good shepherd and He shows us the way to love as well.  It is so humbling that He was willing to lay aside His own comfort, His throne, His unbroken relationship with the Father, everything, for us.  Can we get outside ourselves long enough to do the same for Him by loving one another as He loved us?  Jacob's promise to give God a tenth was contingent on food, clothing and safety, what is your giving to God contingent upon?  Is it like Jacob or are we actually a good bit more demanding even than Jacob?  Is our understanding of God and the sacrifice of Jesus big enough in our lives to change us?

Faith is the key, beginning, middle and end.  Those who began their journey in faith believing in Jesus, continued the journey by acting in accordance with faith and persevered in faith unto death not having received the fullness of the promises.  They did not, however, die disappointed because their faith continued beyond the grave.  They continued to believe God was faithful to do all He had promised so death did not end the journey, He has all eternity to fulfill His promises to us.  We have but one life to offer Him to do the work He has given us to do.  Will we be faithful in our short earthly sojourn so that we might see the fulfillment of the promise of resurrection?  It is always all about faith, sometimes active, sometimes passive. 

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