
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

10 February 2013

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might.  Is there, then, anything left for anyone else?  Only if God also loves.  The Good News is that He loves us enough to give His Son for us.  If we, all of us who claim to be Christians, followed this one commandment we would change the world from self-obsession to God-obsession.  The things about which we expend our energy in all forms would change dramatically.  We would care a great deal less about most things that consume us and we would have more peace and rest because we would rest in the sovereignty of God in all things.  Jesus was quite clear on this matter in Matthew's Gospel when He told them and us to not worry about all the other things in our lives, including what would seem quite basic concerns, and trust that God has all that taken care of.  If we took Him at His word, the world would see us as truly blessed.

Does hating life mean misery and suicide?  Jesus didn't commit suicide, He laid down His life willingly but He didn't take it Himself.  He considered eternity to be of more import than this life and allowed the Father to do with His life as He willed.  Hating my life is simply realizing that sin has controlled me and living not by my desires but for the glory of God.  It is saying to Him, whatever will glorify you is all I want to do in this life.  When we get to the place of surrendering our lives as completely as Jesus did then we can understand Him and our own lives aright.  We can do as Jesus did, choose to die to self and live to the Father.  We can willingly lay down our claim to this life in surrender to Him or we can continue to live for ourselves or even for others, but if we don’t live for Him we will never truly glorify Him, no matter how much we do for others. 

"Let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire."  Loving God means realizing that He is a consuming fire, powerful yet loving.  As John wrote in his first epistle, we love Him because He first loved us.  Indeed, the writer here says that we have not come to that awesome and terrifying mountain where the nation first met God in Exodus 19, we have come to a city filled with worship and joy.  At once, however, we realize that this city has come under judgment multiple times for the failure of the people to continue and persevere in that worship.  They took Him for granted, forsook Him and were unfaithful to Him although He was never unfaithful to them.  Trusting Him is not quite enough, it can turn into familiarity and boredom.  Worship is the antidote to that situation.

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