
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

17 February 2013

Moses is convinced that these forty years have been a time of testing.  The Lord is far more patient and willing to wait than we are.  These years they have been sustained entirely by His grace in sending the manna for their daily bread.  They have been given no choice but to comply with His will and His commandments if they were going to survive.  The time in the wilderness was one marked by rebellion and disobedience from time to time, a microcosm of the history of the people these last millennia.  Forty years would have been an incredibly long time to spend wandering about in a relatively confined space waiting to enter the Land the Lord had promised, long enough to say, I have had it, whatever He wants us to do is better than staying here like this.  Moses is telling them that they must continue to observe these commandments when they have plenty, when they are settled as a people.  They are being given a second chance, a new Eden, and for all this they are to bless the Lord at all times.

Jesus and His disciples aren't in step with John's disciples and the Pharisees.  Why the difference between Jesus and the religious leaders?  Jesus certainly points directly to Himself as the reason.  He is the bridegroom, and the friends of the bridegroom celebrate not fast.  For those who doubt whether Jesus claimed to be more than a great teacher this is a clear statement of who He is.  He is a game-changer, the rules that others have don't apply to Him.  Something completely new is happening here for those who follow Him.  In essence a new exodus is happening.  The new covenant is being inaugurated He is setting Himself apart from the other religious leaders of the day.  There will, He says, come a time when fasting is appropriate, after He is no longer with them in body.  In Lent, Sundays are feast days, we celebrate His presence among us.

So in Genesis 3 we ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and we thought we gained wisdom but Paul says that the folly of the cross not the wisdom of the world is the way to know God. In fact, he says that it is because we did not know God through wisdom that He gave us the cross, the wisdom of God but considered folly to men.  The cross is a stumbling block to our wisdom, it makes no sense that the way to life is death, that the savior of the world died on a Roman cross.  Who can possibly believe such things?  Paul uses a word several times in the passage for the believers, they are those who are "called."  They are the ones to whom God has given wisdom and insight, the faith to believe that this is indeed truth.  Salvation, faith, belief, is all a work of God because to the natural man it is nonsense to believe such things.  That should keep us humble towards Him and compassionate towards those who persecute us or mock us.  It should also call us to worship Him for all He has done for us.

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