
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

24 February 2013

I wonder what Jeremiah thought when the Lord spoke to him thus.  Did he think he would have a glorious prophetic ministry?  He must have been quite young given his objection, I am only a youth.  He sounds a bit like Moses when he objected that he didn't speak well.  The Lord says not to worry about it, he was chosen for this work before he was born, and that the Lord will be with him in this work and will protect him from harm.  He will give him the words to say.  He is set over nations and kingdoms to destroy and also to build.  Surely he heard that he is not to be afraid, so he had to know there was something not completely edifying in the words he would be given, but what a promise the Lord makes to him to call him to the work.  Little could he have guessed how difficult his life would be in following this call. 

In our liturgy on Sundays we talk about our brother, Jesus Christ. It always makes me a bit uncomfortable to say those words but here Jesus says we are brothers and sisters of His if we "do" the will of God.  The call is always a call to action, not study and contemplation alone.  The purpose of those activities is to prepare us to do what we are called to do, bear witness to Him in word and deed.  The parable is one we see in the lectionary multiple times through the year and sometimes we focus on one aspect and other times another.  This time it seems that we should pay attention to the fruitfulness of the seed, is it doing what it is intended to do, produce something.  What is it in your life that is keeping you from producing the fruit God intends?

The work we do is built on the foundation of Jesus and Him crucified.  How would the people you meet every day know that He is the foundation and cornerstone of your life?  If we are Christians we are building our lives on the foundation that is Jesus and if that is true then everyone you know should know that truth about you.  Whatever is not Him, all the other things in our lives, our work, our friends, our hobbies, will come to nothing in the end.  It doesn't mean we shouldn't engage in these things or invest in them, but our investment in each and every thing in our lives should be based on producing some return for Him.  That is a high standard but it should absolutely be driving our thoughts.  How can this produce fruit for the kingdom?  I wonder how our lives would change if we thought that way?

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