
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Friday, February 15, 2013

15 February 2013

What amazing promises the Lord makes to His people Israel!  They must listen, keep, and do the commandments.  They hear the Word of the Lord, they keep it by teaching it to all, always, and then they are to do them, live by the precepts David extolled in the Psalms as making him wiser than his fellows.  Simple, huh?  The promises are to prosper everything in their lives by blessing it all and loving them.  Everything they have will multiply, they will have abundance and no weapon formed against them will prosper.  They are not to pity their enemies nor are they to serve or worship their gods.  These things would become a snare to them.  I feel certain that, at the time, they couldn't imagine ever doing that, but indeed that was what happened.  We have a covenant of life with the Lord as well but the kingdom we are seeking to see multiplied and prosper is His kingdom and not our own.  Jesus showed us the way of the new covenant.

Apparently the disciples of John who were following Jesus were startled by His question, "What are you seeking?"  The best answer they could come up with was, "Teacher, where are you staying?"  Really, they were using Him as a travel agent?  Jesus invited them to come and see.  We have made that into a principle for inviting people to church while He was inviting them not to see the place He was staying but to spend time with Him.  What they were really seeking is apparent in Andrew's words to Peter, "We have found the Messiah."  These men were truly seekers, they were looking for Messiah and when they heard John's words they left him and went after the one He named as the Lamb of God.  They were indeed seeking more than travel advice, they were seeking a savior.

So if we don't have the promise of a land of our own and prosperity like the Israelites were promised, what do we get?  We get eternal life, we get the Spirit of God residing in us, we get to promise of constant presence.  Paul says that the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people and that this grace trains us to live godly lives.  We have received so much from Him and His call to us is to live according to His will.  Not only does He tell us what that is, if we live by the Spirit rather than the flesh, He enables us to do what He wills.  Are we seeking Him only as savior and not as Lord?  We need to be saved not only from death, but Paul says we are also saved from lawlessness and are to be zealous for good works.  Sorry to say that often we only allow Him to be our get out of jail free card and then we go back to our own passions and desires.

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