
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Friday, July 5, 2013

5 July 2013

The Philistine oppression of Israel was, in its own way, similar to their enslavement in Egypt.  They would not allow the people to have weapons nor even a blacksmith among them to permit the making of weapons or to re-purpose anything as a weapon.  They had to pay Philistines even to sharpen their farming implements.  Whereas Saul had counted his men and saw that their number was insufficient to go against the Philistines, his son Jonathan took one man, his armor bearer against them by stealth, believing that the size of the force wasn’t the determining factor in success or failure, but the Lord.  Jonathan was truly a leader, his armor bearer is completely convinced in spite of the overwhelming odds against them on what looks like a fool's errand.  They didn't come against the 30,000, but a portion of the force who believed that their presence was an act of surrender and invited them into the camp.  The rout of Jonathan and his armor bearer against the Philistines precipitated panic in the camp and fear, the beginnings of a most improbable victory.

Jesus is weakened from the beating they have given Him, too weak to carry His own cross to Golgotha so Simon of Cyrene is pressed into service to carry the cross.  What an honor this man was given though he couldn't have known it at the time.  As they make their way to Golgotha, Jesus takes note of the women weeping and says don’t cry for me, cry for yourselves, it is going to be bad for you, my journey is ending.  He is prophesying the overthrow of Jerusalem and the ruination of the Temple in AD 70.  This life is filled with difficulty and hardship while He is going to glory everlasting.  This too is the beginning of a most improbable victory, the conquering of death by one man and he is accompanied not by an armor bearer but a cross bearer.

Saul believes he is on a path of victory, he is going to destroy this movement that has proclaimed Jesus as Messiah.  He is, like the Blues Brother, on what he believes is a mission from God.  His honest belief is that he is acting to preserve and protect the Name of God that has been blasphemed by this sect who would proclaim that Jesus is one with God.  He is filled with what he truly believes to be righteous indignation, that God is with him on this mission and it is right, likely to win him a crown of victory in eternity.  What happens on the road to Damascus, however, destroys him no less than Isaiah was destroyed by the vision of God in the temple in Isaiah 6.  The worst thing he could possibly hear from heaven was the statement, "I am Jesus."  From this defeat comes a truly improbable victory for the church.  Let us always pray for such victories, believing with Jonathan that all things are possible with God.  Let us also pray for our enemies, that they, like Saul, will have their eyes and ears opened to truth.

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