
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

15 May 2014

The covenant is renewed.  Moses makes the tablets on which the Lord will write the same commandments given at the first, the tablets Moses broke as a sign that the covenant was broken.  When the Lord comes, Moses sees His glory and also hears the proclamation of who the Lord is, "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation.”  Good to hear, we need that kind of God where mercy and grace lead rather than judgment.  From this self-description the Jewish people conclude that God is far more merciful than not.  He keeps steadfast love for thousands but only visits iniquity on three or four.  In historical evidence we would tend to agree wouldn't we?  We get more mercy than judgment, just like his people with whom He is long-suffering.  At the end of the day, God will go with the people and will do marvels among them so that they will know Him.

Interesting that Jesus chooses the example of if you are offering your gift at the altar and you realize your brother has something against you, go and make things right with him first.  Hatred of the brother that leads to murder began with a man offering a gift to God.  After God favorably regarded Abel's sacrifice but not his brother Cain's, hatred became murder because Cain wouldn't deal with and master his anger.  Jesus is telling us that we need to deal with desire rather than actions, it has always been a heart problem for us and Jesus teaches that again and again.  We have to be proactive about our desires and stop the train before it leaves the station.  We should take our cues from the one in whose image we are created, leading with mercy and grace and being far more forgiving than judgmental. 

Paul speaks to the church in Thessalonica of being united with the church in Judea in persecution and suffering.  Others have come seeking to sow division based on pride.  Judaism and Christianity can become private clubs if we are not careful to ensure that we aren't the gatekeepers.  Orthodoxy matters, right belief and truth are central to the faith but where do we draw lines?  Jesus was content with some lines being transgressed and others were hard and fast.  The Jews who came to Thessalonica and forced Paul out of the city also followed him many places for much the same reasons Paul himself was initially a persecutor of the church.  This new thing was far too much about grace and mercy than purity.  The franchise was being extended too far without the requirements being enforced.  We have to always be careful to be no more judgmental than God.

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