Can you see the picture of what it all looks like if the
nation will only obey God? It is an Edenic
paradise in the midst of a world gone wrong. Everything in that garden will be
lush and green, no worries about the rain for the crops, no fears of enemies
because they will fear the nation so greatly, a blessed nation for all to see. All they have to do is "walk in my
statutes and observe my commandments and do them." Alas, they couldn't do it. Neither can we, the problem of sin is too
pervasive in our lives for us to completely obey. There was only one who ever
did and He was put on a cross by a world that hated Him. We know only a fallen world and yet we cling
to it and set out store and hopes by it rather than by the One who created
it. We need to lift our eyes to Him and
trust Him for and in all things. He has
promised certain things to those who believe in His Son and follow Him, but the
greatest promise is the promise of presence, we are never alone. Would we
rather have Him or the things He has created?
We are the garden in which God sows His word. Some don't understand at all and He makes no
statement about why they don't understand, just some don't understand and the
birds eat the seed. Some receive it with
joy and yet they are unprepared for trials and tribulations, persecution for
believing, and because they have no root they will wither and die. Others will be overcome by the cares and
desires of the world and produce nothing ultimately. Some, however, will
understand and flourish and bear fruit.
The key seems to be understanding, as all parables of the kingdom are
about understanding, knowing the true worth and value of the kingdom and
forsaking everything else to have it.
Pray this day to the One who gives understanding that He will open your
eyes and heart to the surpassing worth of what He offers.
As the leader goes, so go the people. Paul writes that we should pray for all
people, especially the leaders and so we do each Sunday in our worship. If the leaders have peaceable and quiet
lives, it is likely that the people will as well. We concentrate our prayers on Sundays on our
own leaders, for their wisdom and faith.
Leadership is a heavy, almost unimaginable burden when you think of all
that leaders of nations have on their shoulders all the time, there is no
getting away from that responsibility.
Wise leaders know they can't bear those burdens and that they have no
wisdom that doesn't come from above, from the only One who sees and knows all
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