
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Friday, May 23, 2014

23 May 2014

The Lord establishes the calendar for worship of the people, beginning with the Sabbath each week.  From the beginning that rule of life was to govern the people.  The law against working on the Sabbath was also for foreigners.  No commerce was intended to be transacted on the Sabbath by anyone.  The Lord has always intended that a day be set aside completely from work in the trust and belief that all would be well even without that workday.  The feasts all commemorate the Lord's provision, either in deliverance from Egypt, Passover or the harvest festivals of firstfruits and weeks.  Those feasts were dedicated to the Lord and provider of the feast.  We need to take regular times to step away from work to remember who has given us work and all that we have and return praise and thanks.

Does the church have a problem with being judgmental?  I think we have a problem in that we tend to judge certain sins more seriously than others.  We have tended to focus on sexual sins and single them out for attention and we ignore things like gossip, covetousness, gluttony, jealousy and envy, consumerism, and a great many other things.  The answer isn't to give up judgment on sexual sin, it is to honestly look in the mirror and deal with the sin in our own lives first, understand why the world sees our hypocrisy, ruthlessly work to rid our lives of those things, and then we will have humility in our judgment.  Sometimes I believe God's most difficult work is convicting religious people of sin, we like it less the more we have been following Jesus.  He is calling us to perfection.  We will never reach that state and we will never make any progress without continuing conviction and repentance.  The more we recognize our own sinful and broken state, our constant need of grace, the more we become like Him in being dispensers of grace.  We are more like other image-bearers than we are Him and we need to keep that truth in mind at all times.

Paul's man of lawlessness would be difficult to ignore.  He "opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God."  There is no deception here, this man is like the beast in the Revelation.  We were made for worship, we will either worship idols or we will worship the true and living God, it is as simple as that.  We see in the church that we can worship pastors or teachers or other leaders and allow them to come between us and a right, unmediated relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  Protestants do no better and perhaps sometimes are worse about this than they believe Roman Catholics to be.  I have seen too often my friends following after this or that teacher as though they alone had the word of God, quoting that one constantly and neglecting the work of the Holy Spirit in themselves to discern the Word.  Let us this day spend some time worshipping Him without any aids other than the Holy Spirit within us, ascribing Him the honor due His Name. 

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