
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Monday, August 18, 2014

18 August 2014

This is certainly a strange little story.  A man steals a large sum of money from his mother who has uttered a curse against the one who stole it.  The man now confesses and his mother gives him nearly 20% of the money to have idols and gods made with it.  Do these people not know the second commandment against making idols?  They also make an ephod (remember the story of Gideon with the golden ephod which became an idol and a snare to him) and a shrine is ready.  All Micah needs is a priest to serve there and, lo and behold, a Levite from Bethlehem comes walking past looking for somewhere to sojourn and Micah makes him an offer to be his priest.  Apparently the Levite isn't very scrupulous in his religious sensibilities either as he is perfectly willing to serve as priest for this idol.  Micah believes God will truly bless him now because he has a priest of his own.  I wonder sometimes if we don’t too often share this same idea today, that so long as we have a church then we will be blessed by God when we are actually not worshipping Him at all.

What we make of the Son, Jesus, makes all the difference in the world, this world and the world to come.  We can't have Jesus as just a teacher of ethics and morality, He says that He has been given the power of judgment, the power of life and death.  The Father, He says, judges no one, that power and right was given to the Son and what we make of the Son says everything about what we make of the Father.  In our first lesson, Micah and his priest both were willing to serve and idol, a safe thing to do since idols are mute and ask nothing of us.  Even though they are presumably in the covenant community and know something of their own story they have rejected God's claim on their lives by worshipping this idol.  There is no fear of God in their lives.  We have to come to Jesus as judge first and then the giver of life after we have confessed and repented of our sins.  We arise as children of God only to the extent we recognize that He is co-equal with God, nothing less. 

Stephen makes perfectly clear that all that matters is their rejection of Jesus as Messiah.  Up to these last few sentences he had said nothing, absolutely nothing, controversial.  Only when he points to Jesus and refers to Him as the Righteous One whom they murdered and betrayed, does he say one word with which they would disagree.  At that moment, however, everything turns and now he must die.  This is a scary moment when a group of religious folk turn murderous simply because Stephen proclaimed Jesus as the Righteous One.  The scandal of particularity, that Jesus is the only way to the Father, brings out the worst in some people, always has and always will.  They may not stone you but you will be an outcast in some religious circles today, it is only going to get worse.  You have to make a choice, either He is everything or He is nothing all eternally.

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