
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

19 August 2014

The people of the tribe of Dan had failed to conquer and receive their inheritance, they were in violation of the covenant.  They now decide it is time to go find some place to settle so they do what their forefathers did, they send out spies.  These men happen upon Micah's house and recognize the accent of the young Levite who serves as priest there and so ask him to inquire of God concerning the success of their mission.  This young man either inquires via the ephod concerning their request or does nothing but give his benediction and blessing upon them and in short order they find a peaceable people in Laish living in prosperity and their mission, in their minds, is complete, this is easy pickings as opposed to the report of the first spies.  They presume to have their brothers come up, six hundred of them, to take this land for their own and they also recount that there is actually a priest nearby along with the accoutrements of worship, an ephod, household gods, a carved image, and a metal image.  Their implied message is that we can not only have the land, we can have God's favor as well, we have a priest and all the stuff we need to worship.  Does no one know the ways of Yahweh?

Who is this "another" who bears witness about Jesus that He knows is true?  He quickly sets aside the notion that He refers to John as He needs no witness from man.  He is clearly speaking of the Holy Spirit whose testimony is the only truly reliable testimony, the one Jesus trusts.  Do we hear the Holy Spirit telling us not only who Jesus is but who we are?  Why not ask Him to tell you today who you really are and then walk in the revealed truth?  The truth about Jesus also is told in His works, they clearly point to divine origin.  What do your "works" say about you to you and to others?  Not only do we have the possibility of the truth about Jesus from these witnesses but we also should see and hear those same witnesses about ourselves.  If we are born from above then there should be some evidence of that in our lives for us and the world to see.  Let us consider today that we are the priesthood of all believers and see if we can determine at whose altar we serve.

Stephen's words and His works gave witness to the power of Christ in Him.  There was congruity between what He proclaimed with His mouth and what He did.  That is an important test for all of us.  Whether we are a pastor who preaches the Word in the pulpit whose words and life outside the pulpit match what he says in it or whether we are lay people who profess Christ on Sundays whose lives the other six days should proclaim the excellencies of Christ equally powerfully, this is an important thing.  Peter went to Samaria, where Jesus had gone in John 4, and reaped a great harvest there because he preached Jesus and the power of resurrection was evident in his works.  Even one who did magic believed when he saw that congruity.  We can't serve Him on Sunday and idols all week long and see the power of congruence.

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