
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

15 January 2012

Noah is told to go into the ark and take some extra “clean” animals with him, seven pairs of each.  It appears that the family was in the ark for several days prior to the flood waters coming on the earth.  During that time, what was the conversation like among the family?  Did the rest of the family think Noah had lost his mind with all these animals and talk of a flood?  Once it began, however, it must have been terrifying as they wondered if the ark would keep them safe and then to know that everything else was being eradicated as the waters returned over the earth as in the primeval days before the land appeared on the earth.

Jesus is teaching and healing and great crowds are following him, enough so that He has the disciples get a boat lest the crowds crush in on Him so that He can go out in the boat to continue teaching but put some distance between Him and them.  I don’t mean this to be funny, but He could simply have walked out on the water without a boat but that particular sign was for the disciples only and for a later time.  He neither needs nor desires the demons to testify concerning Him, the signs should speak for themselves.  After this, He called the disciples He chose up on the mountain for the purpose of commissioning them to preach and cast out demons.  Like Noah with the animals, Jesus chose those who would be the first of the new creation to journey with Him. 

The church is composed of those who were chosen by God to continue the work Jesus began of heralding a new creation, the kingdom of God, which will only be fully realized with His return.  With the giving of the Spirit, we are the harbingers, those who herald the coming of that kingdom and we do it in two ways, with our words of proclamation concerning Jesus and with our lives as witnesses to new possibilities.  Those new possibilities include changed desires as well as the gifts of the Spirit in operation in and through us.  We are to be those whose very lives proclaim the kingdom of God being established within us and as such, we should be different.  Our culture should be different from that of the world around us, the way we think should be different, and the way we love should be the most remarkably different.  We are to be characterized by an outward focusing of that love in the Name of Jesus.  Does the world see a difference that brings them to our doors?  The ark was to keep Noah and his family safe with the animals, no one else was allowed inside, the church is to be a compelling community that reaches out and gathers in those who will be saved from the coming judgment.

There’s a wideness in God’s mercy,
Like the wideness of the sea;
There’s a kindness in His justice,
Which is more than liberty.

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