
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

18 September 2014

I bet you thought we were done with Job didn't you?  Yesterday's reading finished the book but now we drop back fourteen chapters, before God spoke, and look at the most truthful thing Job said in all his many words.  Mankind has uncovered many marvelous things by ingenuity and the sweat of his brow, but one thing eludes his efforts, wisdom.  Wisdom is not to be found in the same way as other items of knowledge.  It is to be found in God alone and must be sought from Him.  True wisdom knows things as they truly are, that they are only ephemeral in the sense that they were created and a time will come when they are no longer.  Wisdom cannot be found in temporal things, it must be sought from that which is eternal.  Job knows what Solomon knew, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  He who spoke and called forth all that is from nothing at all is to be feared and yet He created us in His own image, for relationship with Him.  Isn't that the most amazing thing in the universe?

Jesus knows what is going to happen and his soul is troubled.  Even though He knows what lies ahead, the suffering, agony, betrayal, abandonment and death, He still says, Your will be done.  Can you say, "Father whatever it takes, however unpleasant it may be for me, glorify Your Name"?  Even at this time, Jesus says that the world is going to be judged, the ruler of this world cast out, surely that means that He will take His place on the throne.  He speaks of being lifted up, and the crowd knew that He was speaking of His death.  They can't reconcile the idea of a dead Messiah with what they know from Scripture.  Then, He speaks of walking in the light while they have it and believing in the light.  He has already said He is the light of the world, they know what He is talking about.  Wisdom, real wisdom, comes from Him.  What does it mean that Messiah remains forever?  We think we have a handle on what death means but we should know from Genesis 3 that death doesn't necessarily mean physical death.  Adam and Eve died the day they ate the forbidden fruit but they didn't experience it fully until much later.  Jesus will remain forever but there is coming a time when He won't be with them bodily.

The jailer awakes, sees the doors of the prison cells open, assumes that all have escaped and thinks it best to kill himself because the Romans will kill him anyway when they discover the security breach caused by his carelessness.  What a shock it must have been to hear the voice of Paul saying they were all still there.  No wonder he was in fear.  His reaction is to ask what he might do to be saved, not from the Romans, but from whatever power had done this thing on Paul's behalf.  He was an amazing man, taking them to his own home, caring for their wounds and believing in Paul's God.  Perhaps this was the man of Macedonia Paul had seen in the vision.  Paul, when informed he was being set free the next day, refused to come out without an escort and apology.  Wisdom was in knowing God had done this thing, wisdom was in also forcing the leaders to admit their mistake.  In wisdom is strength.

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