
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

25 September 2014

Now, Esther has tested the waters these last two days, has seen the honor given to her uncle Mordecai, and has the faith to step out and make her request of the king on behalf of the Jews.  He is shocked at her words and only wants to know who has contrived such a thing as the destruction of his queen and her people.  Her response is assertive to say the least, “A foe and enemy! This wicked Haman!”  The author tells us that Haman was terrified and rightly so, he has seen enough these last 24 hours to know the gig is up.  He falls on the couch with the queen to beg forgiveness and the king sees this and is even more angry, believing Haman is assaulting her (remember when Joseph was accused of something similar in Genesis) and now the man must die, literally hoisted on his own petard, the gallows he had erected for Mordecai's hanging.

After the temptations, Jesus returns to Galilee and begins teaching in the area is glorified by all.  He is becoming quite a celebrity in the region and now comes to the synagogue at Nazareth.  All eyes were on Him as He stood that day to read and took up the scroll of Isaiah.  What did they think He would say about the passage?  Surely and certainly not what He did say, that the time of Messiah had come and was fulfilled that day.  Who in the world does He think He is?  Initially, their reaction is amazement and yet the question remains, isn't this Joseph's son?  When Jesus then begins to speak approvingly of Gentiles and question the heritage of the Jews who rejected the prophets who were welcomed by these Gentiles, it all goes badly.  Now, He has lost His credibility, He has gone from preaching to meddling and we always want God to despise the same people we do.  Just like Haman did.

Jealousy nearly always gets you into trouble.  God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul and the sons of Sceva, a Jewish high priest, who were itinerant exorcists, want to have the same power without the same source.  They believe not in the power of God but in magic and they believe they have come upon the magic words that make this all possible.  If we are not in Christ then we take great risks by using His Name, it is not meant to be used in vain, for the purposes of vanity and that is exactly what these men were doing.  They wanted the notoriety Paul was receiving, they wanted to be great in their own right.  What they discovered is that without the Holy Spirit they were incredibly vulnerable and fighting enemies much more powerful.  Because of their routing at the hands of the evil spirit, however, many believed and renounced their own beliefs in magic.  The volume of books that came out of the woodwork here is truly amazing, about $35,000 in today's money.  We never know people's true beliefs until they come into contact with Jesus in power.

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