
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 March 2013

There is no knowledge of Yahweh in the land, none with ears to hear.  They have no shame and all are greedy for unjust gain.  Sounds incredibly familiar doesn't it?  We live in exactly such an age and we do hear voices healing the wound of the people lightly, not dealing honestly with sin.  The nation had lost its way because it had lost touch with their God.  There was no longer restraint on sin and they were under judgment.  We don't like to hear that there comes a time when sin has so taken over that the Lord will no longer stay His hand against a nation but if it is true of Israel, it is true of any nation.  We have failed to disciple and failed to discipline.  We no longer talk much of righteousness.  In the end, empires don't last when they fail to exercise restraint and lapse into senescence.  The Lord here says this judgment will fall on everyone and will leave nothing untouched.

The Decapolis was a place most Jewish people avoided.  It was a place of sin and vice, a place some said was one of the places where the "gates of hell" were located.  Jesus goes there as a witness and chooses the worst of the worst cases in which to display His power and His mercy.  He went there to set one man free from a horrible demonic oppression and left the man behind to tell others what Jesus had done for him.  I wonder if there is someone in Asheville right now the Lord could do this for who would be a sign to the city?  Sometimes when a city has been overcome by darkness and false worship the only thing God can do to shake things us is to display His power over those pretender gods.  We should be praying for His mercy and His power to be shown in order that these gods may quake and not command us to leave but beg us to leave.

"I will not be dominated by anything."  What a motto for life!  If we have been conquered by God's love and mercy then we should be willing to say that very thing.  Is His conquest of your life complete?  Sexual immorality comes in many forms and it is perhaps the number one besetting sin of our day.  Sex dominates our culture and we struggle with defining immorality at all.  What once was agreed upon as immoral is now passé and accepted as the new normal.  Does the church have anything to say to a society completely obsessed with sex?  The abortion culture exists completely because of sexual immorality and promiscuity, it is the result of a cultural obsession with sex.  Is the culture too far gone for redemption?

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