
The intent of Pilgrim Processing is to provide commentary on the Daily Lectionary from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The format for the comment is Old Testament Lesson first, Gospel, and Epistle with a portion of one of the Psalms for the day as a prayer at the end.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

23 January 2014

Our ancestors were told to be fruitful and multiply "and fill the earth and subdue it…"  The movement was to be horizontal, across the earth (I know the earth is round).  The heavens are God's domain, not ours.  At Babel they decided to say no to filling the earth and subduing it and to fill the heavens instead and make a name for themselves there.  The Lord saw that those created in His image were capable of doing whatever they set themselves to do and decided that the unity of mankind was a problem if directed to its own devices and desires.  The confusion of languages was a brilliant solution to the problem.  Differences are accentuated and become a source of pride, nationalism, tribalism and all kinds of other divisions.  Pentecost was the reversal of that curse because all were praising God and proclaiming Jesus, good unity of purpose.  Our role is to spread that heavenly message horizontally across the earth.

Why did learning that the Pharisees heard that He was making and baptizing more disciples than John cause Jesus to leave Judea?  The short answer, John's answer, would be, His time had not yet come, so He left to attract less attention.  The woman at the well is there at midday because she is not welcome early in the day when women were there.  She is a loose woman and not acceptable to other women.  That she engages Jesus, a man, a Jewish man, in conversation, is remarkable in that society where it would have been shocking behavior to talk to a man not your husband.  Jesus makes her an extraordinary offer, living water, running water.  She may not be acceptable in her own town but she is still a proud Samaritan and she proves it with her question, " Are you greater than our father Jacob? He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.”  Jacob was "our father" not the Jews, they are the true Israel is her claim.  He overcomes all that nationalistic and religious pride though when He offers water that will enable her to no longer come to this well, her place of shame and pain.  Now, it doesn't matter who He is or what He is, she wants what He is offering.

I love the idea that Abraham patiently waited, conveniently overlooking the whole Hagar and Ishmael episode that plagues our world today.  The covenant with Abraham was sealed by God's oath in the smoking pot passing between the animal carcasses, essentially God saying, let it be to me as it was to these birds if I fail to keep my promise.  Jesus' death on the cross is the oath of life for us.  He has sealed the covenant with the blood of Jesus, His Son.  We know that the covenant is secure and that it is a covenant of life because Jesus was resurrected from the dead, His sacrifice was found acceptable to God.  In doing so, we know our high priest has indeed passed beyond the curtain, into the throne room, and lives.  He is greater than Jacob.  Let us make not our name but His known in all the earth. 

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